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Installed versions

Resource Version
Dardel/cpe23.12 2.6.1-cpeCray, 2.6.1-cpeGNU

General information

Scalasca is a tool for performance optimization of parallel programs by measuring and analyzing their runtime behavior.

How to use

Scalasca makes use of the Cube performance report explorer and Score-P. You can check available modules of Scalasca using

ml PDC/<version>
ml spider Scalasca
ml avail Scalasca
For example, to load the module for Scalasca built with the cpeGnu 21.11 toolchain

ml PDC/<version>
ml Scalasca/2.6-cpeGNU-21.11
To display information on what dependency modules are loaded, and paths and environment variables are set, when loading a Scalasca module

ml show Scalasca/2.6-cpeGNU-21.11
The Scalasca user guide Getting started A full workflow example