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Installed versions

Resource Version
Dardel/cpe23.12 20231004
Dardel/cpe23.03 20231004

General information

The Relativistic Spin Polarized tookit (RSPt) is a code for electronic structure calculations based on the Full-Potential Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital (FP-LMTO) method. For more information see

How to use

To display info on which environment variables are set when loading the module, use

ml PDC/<version>
ml show rspt/20231004
To load the RSPt module
ml PDC/<version>
ml rspt/20231004
The binaries are found in the $RSPT_HOME/bin directory. Examples and tests are provided in $RSPT_EXAMPLES. The manual is found in $RSPT_DOCS.
# Running on the Batch system
Sample job script

# Set the allocation to be charged for this job
# not required if you have set a default allocation
#SBATCH -A <project name>

# The name of the script is myjob
#SBATCH -J jobname

# partition
#SBATCH -p main

# 10 hours wall-clock time will be given to this job
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00

# Number of nodes

# Number of MPI processes per node
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128

# Number of MPI processes
#SBATCH -n 256

ml PDC/<version>
ml rspt/20231004-cpeGNU-23.12

echo "Script initiated at `date` on `hostname`"

runs "srun -n 256 rspt" 1e-09 100

echo "Script finished at `date` on `hostname`"

For information on how to submit jobs on Dardel, see Queueing jobs.