Installed versions
Resource | Version |
Dardel/cpe23.12 | 2Aug2023 |
General information
Lammps is a molecular dynamics simulator which can model particles at various scales and is distributed by Sandia National Laboratories. For more information see the LAMMPS homepage.
How to use
The LAMMPS module can be loaded with
ml PDC/<version>
ml lammps/2Aug2023-cpeGNU-23.12
This will add the LAMMPS bin directory to your PATH, so that LAMMPS can be started with the command lmp_mpi
or lmp_omp
Below is an example batch script for a LAMMPS job:
# time allocation
# name of this job
#SBATCH -J lammps
# wall time for this job
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
# partition for this job
#SBATCH -p main
# number of nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=2
# number of MPI processes per node
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
ml PDC/<version>
ml lammps/2Aug2023-cpeGNU-23.12
# Run with the file infile as input and write to outfile
srun lmp < infile > outfile
This will run LAMMPS (lmp
) with 256 cores (2 nodes), and will read the input specified in infile
and write to outfile
in the directory the job was submitted. Submit the batch script with the sbatch
command, see also the How to run jobs.
More information
For more information, refer to the LAMMPS manual.