Installed versions
Resource | Version |
Dardel/cpe23.12 | 24.2, 23.1, 21.2 |
General information
Ansys/Fluent is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Fluent is a general-purpose CFD code based on the finite volume method on a collocated grid. As of 2012 KTH have made a joint purchase of ANSYS (in which Fluent is one component).
How to use Ansys/Fluent on PDC machines
In order to use ANSYS Fluent at PDC you need to: 1. Have an account at PDC. 2. Check with the Ansys license owner at your department to allow running Ansys/Fluent at PDC 3. Contact KTH if you have problems/questions with Ansys/Fluent licenses.
Use the commands
module load PDC
module avail fluent
For more details, look at Ansys web page:
How to use
Submitting a Fluent job on Dardel
Before preparing your script, you need to make a journal file to give tasks to Fluent. It should be in the same directory as your job subbmission script. A sample journal file can be found below
; -----------------------------------------------------------
;read case file (*.cas) that had previously been prepared file/read-case fluent.cas
;read data file (*.dat) in case you are starting simulation from a saved file
;comment it if you start from zero
file/read-data mycase.dat
;run 10 iterations
solve/iterate 10
;write data
file/write-data results.dat
;exit fluent
exit yes
; ------------------------------------------------------------
# Name of your job
#SBATCH -J test
#SBATCH -A <allocation>
# Wall-clock time will be given to this job
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00
# Number of nodes
# Set the partition for your job.
#SBATCH -p <partition>
#SBATCH -e error_file.e%J
# load module fluent v24.2
module load PDC
module load fluent/24.2
# The Journal file
# Set the license server below
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=<license file>
export ANSYSLI_SERVERS=<license server>
# If you are KTH user, contact PDC support or KTH IT for license server information
# Total number of Processors
# NPROCS=1x128 = number of nodes x number of processors per node
fluent 3ddp -g -t $NPROCS -mpi=cray -i $JOURNALFILE > my_output_file.$SLURM_JOBID
Then you can submit your job using sbatch
sbatch <job_script>.sh