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Installed versions

Resource Version
Dardel/cpe23.12 24.2, 23.1, 21.2

General information

Ansys/Fluent is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Fluent is a general-purpose CFD code based on the finite volume method on a collocated grid. As of 2012 KTH have made a joint purchase of ANSYS (in which Fluent is one component).

How to use Ansys/Fluent on PDC machines

In order to use ANSYS Fluent at PDC you need to: 1. Have an account at PDC. 2. Check with the Ansys license owner at your department to allow running Ansys/Fluent at PDC 3. Contact KTH if you have problems/questions with Ansys/Fluent licenses.

Use the commands

module load PDC
module avail fluent
to list all available versions and make sure that the correct version is loaded in the job script. If the version using which the .cas file was created can't be found in the list of installed versions, please contact PDC (

For more details, look at Ansys web page:

How to use

Submitting a Fluent job on Dardel

Before preparing your script, you need to make a journal file to give tasks to Fluent. It should be in the same directory as your job subbmission script. A sample journal file can be found below

; -----------------------------------------------------------

;read case file (*.cas) that had previously been prepared file/read-case fluent.cas

;read data file (*.dat) in case you are starting simulation from a saved file
;comment it if you start from zero
file/read-data mycase.dat

;run 10 iterations
solve/iterate 10

;write data
file/write-data results.dat

;exit fluent
exit yes
; ------------------------------------------------------------
Then you can use the following script for running Ansys/Fluent on Dardel:

# Name of your job
#SBATCH -J test

#SBATCH -A <allocation>

# Wall-clock time will be given to this job
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00

# Number of nodes

# Set the partition for your job. 
#SBATCH -p <partition>

#SBATCH -e error_file.e%J

# load module fluent v24.2
module load PDC
module load fluent/24.2

# The Journal file

# Set the license server below
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=<license file>
export ANSYSLI_SERVERS=<license server>
# If you are KTH user, contact PDC support or KTH IT for license server information

# Total number of Processors
# NPROCS=1x128 = number of nodes x number of processors per node

fluent 3ddp -g -t $NPROCS -mpi=cray -i $JOURNALFILE > my_output_file.$SLURM_JOBID

Then you can submit your job using sbatch

sbatch <job_script>.sh